What Type Of AI Content Generation Is Prohibited By Captionator?


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

Captionator streamlines and automates your content creation workflow by generating AI content for a diverse range of ad and marketing copy needs.

However, our AI partner OpenAI imposes certain restrictions on the kind of AI content you can generate from Captionator.

Captionator has an active policy in place of not generating AI content if they are related to the following topics: (Repeated attempts to generate AI copies on prohibited topics can lead to temporary suspension or banning of user accounts)

1. Content with misleading and distorted information intended to manipulate, deceive, bully, or defraud individuals. 

2. Content that promotes violence, hate speech, intolerance, and insensitivity

3. Content that is sexually explicit or erotic in nature, promoting unsolicited sexual services, intended to titillate individuals or romanticize acts of sexual violence. (Excluding information pertaining to sexually-transmitted diseases and sex education)

4. Content intended to influence the political process, stir political propaganda, and promote political polarization, factionalism, or partisan politics.

5. Content that is derogatory in nature and intended to defame an individual, community, or group. (Directed towards both well-known personalities and commoners)

6. Content that promotes religious bigotry, casteismreligious fundamentalism, right-wing Hindutva ideology, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitic remarks; intended to hurt religious sentiments or incite communal violence.

7. Content that mocks or belittles the LGBTQIA+ community, intellectually challenged and those with physical impairments

8. Content intended to promote self-harm, like suicide, eating disorders, drug consumption, alcoholism, pornography, and tobacco consumption.  

9. Content that has the potential to aid anti-social activities like homicide, theft, robbery, arson, looting, assault, extortion, bribery, and terrorism

10. Content that promotes software causing viruses, ransomware, and piracy

11. Content that is spammy in nature. 

12. Content depicting the objectification of women, discrimination against women or a particular race and promoting sexism or racism. 

Related Articles:

1. What Is Our Fair Use Policy?

In case you are experiencing any issues while generating AI content from Captionator, we will be glad to resolve your queries and assist you:

1. Write to us at [email protected]

2. Reach out to us on WhatsApp

3. Click here for live chat support

Our Creatosaurus support team will get back to you within 24 hours. 

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