Troubleshooting browser issues with Creatosaurus


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Your means of accessing the Creatosaurus site is your browser, whether it's your Mac or PC (or possibly your phone). This includes Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Because different web browsers slightly differ in functionality, you might occasionally observe glitches when viewing Creatosaurus. Those issues may include blank pages and login loops; unusual behavior will also show itself after you log in to Creatosaurus.

First, make sure you are using one of our supported browsers. We cannot guarantee compatibility with every browser out there. So, to help ensure that you use a browser that is supported and tested by us, we recommend using IE, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Chrome.

Troubleshooting your extensions

If your extensions had been disabled and Creatosaurus was working correctly again, one of them is likely to be the cause of your complaint. You can typically re-enable a single extension at a time until you find the faulty one.

Clearing your web browser's cache

If you can't open another browser or clear your browser cache, we may need you to be extremely certain that everything is alright.

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