Smart Billing


Last Update pre 2 godine

When you upgrade your Creatosaurus Workspace to Creatosaurus Workspace Members you have the option to choose between a monthly or yearly billing period. Smart Billing is dynamic and automatic: Users will receive an unused amount of time credited to their account, based upon how long the session's been inactive.

How does adding a new member work?

When you add a new member to the workspace, Creatosaurus will charge a pro-rated fee for their membership for the rest of the billing period (either the month or year).

The charge is only implied when another member join the Creatosaurus workspace not by inviting only. They need to join the workspace from your invitation link only.

What makes a user active?

Creatosaurus users are 'active' if they've opened Creatosaurus in the last 15 days. Once a user has gone 15 days without opening Creatosaurus, they will become 'inactive', and their Business Class Workspace will receive a credit for the remaining part of that member's subscription.

In case remove the user from your workspace then you will immediately be credited for that Business Class seat for the rest of the billing period.

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